YPG Council
The YPG Council is the driving force behind Sarasota’s premier network for young professionals. Committed to fostering leadership, connection, and professional development, the Council works to create opportunities for growth, engagement, and impact in our community.

Aude-Eureka Mondé
YPG Council Chair
Community Foundation of
Sarasota County

Caitlin Chadek-Feeley
Sarasota County Government

Jennifer Contreras
Express Employment Professionals

Zack Holzworth
KS Contracting Services

Valerie Keller
Regions Bank

Claudia Lagnese
Girls Incorporated of Sarasota County

Sinead Runyon
Express Employment Professionals

Lauren Tominelli
Sarasota County Government
YPG members can participate in our council to plan activities and events for YPG, or to get involved in the local community.
Participation in the YPG Council is by invitation to any YPG member in good standing.
Interested in learning more? Contact ypg@sarasotachamber.com